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Apeldoorn, R.C. van, Vink, J. & T. Matyastik, 2006. Dynamics of a local badger (Meles meles) population in the Netherlands over the years 1983-2001 - Mammalian Biology, 71(1): 25-38.

Buesching, C.D. & D.W. Macdonald, 2004. Variations in scent-marking of European badgers Meles meles in the vicinity of their setts - Acta Theriologica, 49(2): 235-246.

Cleary, G.P., Corner, L.A.L., O’Keeffe, J., et al., 2009. The diet of the badger Meles meles in the Republic of Ireland - Mammalian Biology, 74: 438-447.

Davison, J., Huck, M., Delahay, R.J., et al., 2008. Urban badger setts: characteristics, patterns of use and management implications - Journal of Zoology, 275: 190-200.

Davison, J., Huck, M., Delahay, R.J., et al., 2009. Restricted ranging behaviour in a high-density population of urban badgers - Journal of Zoology, 177: 45-53.

Delahay, R.J., Davison, J., Poole, D.W., et al., 2009. Managing conflict between human and wildlife: trends in licensed operations to resolve problems with badgers Meles meles in England - Mammal Review, 39(1): 53-66.

Do Linh San, E., 2003. Caractéristiques des terriers de blaireaux (Meles meles) et de renards (Vulpes vulpes) sur la rive sud du lac de Neuchatel: une analyse préliminaire - Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern, 60: 99-119.

Do Linh San, E., Ferrari, N. & J.M.Weber, 2007. Socio-spatial organization of Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) in a low-density population of central Europe - Canadian Journal of Zoology, 85: 973-984

Fischer, C., Ferrari, N. & J.M. Weber, 2005. Exploitation of food resources by badgers (Meles meles) in the Swiss Jura Mountains - Journal of Zoology, London, 266: 121-131.

Frantz, A.C., Schaul, M., Pope, L.C., Fack, F., Schley, L., Muller, C.P. & T.J. Roper, 2004. Estimating population size by genotyping remotely plucked hair: the Eurasian badger - Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 985-995.

Goszczynski, J. & I. Wojtowicz, 2001. Annual dynamics of den use by red foxes Vulpes vulpes and badgers Meles meles in central Poland - Acta Theriologica, 46(4): 407-417.

Hewitt, S.E., Macdonald, D.W. & H. L. Dugdale, 2009. Context-dependent linear dominance hierarchies in social groups of European badgers, Meles meles - Animal Behaviour, 77: 161-169.

Hospes, T.A.M., 2005. Are badgers (Meles meles) teased away from Dutch nature areas? : An investigation into the composition of the diet of the badger in relation to the possible influences of recent changes in nature management - Student’s report, Wageningen University, 22 p.

Hounsome, T. & R. Delahay, 2005. Birds in the diet of the Eurasian badger Meles meles: a review and meta-analysis - Mammal Review, 35(2): 199-209.

Hutchings, M.R., Service, K.M. & S. Harris, 2002. Is population density correlated with faecal and urine scent marking in European badgers (Meles meles) in the UK? - Mammalian Biology(Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde), 67(6): 286-293.

Jepsen, J.U., Madsen, A.B., Karlsson, M. & D. Groth, 2005. Predicting distribution and density of European badger (Meles meles) setts in Denmark - Biodiversity and Conservation, 14: 3235-3253.

Kowalczyk, R., Jedrzejewska, B. & A. Zalewski, 2003. Annual and circadian activity patterns of badgers (Meles meles) in Bialowieza Primeval Forest (eastern Poland) compared with other Palaearctic populations - Journal of Biogeography, 30: 463-472.

Kowalczyk, R., Zalewski, A., Jedrzejewska, B. & W. Jedrzejewski, 2003. Spatial organization and demography of badgers Meles meles in Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland, and the influence of eartworms on badger densities in Europe - Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81: 74-87.

Moore, J.A.H. & T.J. Roper, 2003. Temperature and humidity in badger Meles meles setts - Mammal Review, 33(3): 308-313.

Muldowney, J., Curry, J.P., O’Keeffe, J. & O. Schmidt, 2003. Relationships between earthworm populations, grassland management and badger densities in County Kilkenny, Ireland - Pedobiologia, 47: 913-919.

Palphramand, K.L., Newton-Cross, G. & P.C.L. White, 2007. Spatial organization and behaviour of badgers (Meles meles) in a moderate-density population - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61(3): 401-413.

Pavlacik, L., Literak, I., Klimes, J. & M. Bojková, 2004. Use of human buildings by Eurasian badgers in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mountains, Czech Republic - Acta Theriologica, 49(4): 567-570.

Pedersen, A.O., Johansen, B.S. & K. Sandaas, 2002. Survey of badger Meles meles dens in central Oslo - Fauna, 55(1): 22-31

Pertoldi, C., Loeschcke, V., Randi, E., Madsen, A.B., Moller Hansen, M., Bijlsma, R. & L. van de Zande, 2005. Present and past microsatellite variation and assessment of genetic structure in Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in Denmark - Journal of Zoology, 265: 387-394

Remonti, L., Balestrieri, A. & C. Prigioni, 2006. Range of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in an agricultural area of northern Italy - Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 18: 61-67.

Revilla, E. & F. Palomares, 2002. Does local feeding specialization exist in Eurasian badgers? - Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80(1): 83-93.

Roper, T.J. & J.A.H. Moore, 2003. Ventilation of badger Meles meles setts - Mammalian Biology/Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 68: 277-283

Roper, T.J., Ostler, J.R. & L. Conradt, 2003. The process of dispersal in badgers - Mammal Review, 33(3): 314-318.

Roth, O., 2003. Die Entwicklung einer Population des Dachses (Meles meles) am Gurten bei Bern - Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern, 60: 75-97

Sadlier, L. & I. Montgomery, 2004. The impact of sett disturbance on badger Meles meles numbers: when does protective legislation work? - Biological Conservation, 119: 455-462.

Sadlier, L.M.J., Webbon, C.C., Baker, P.J. & S. Harris, 2003. Monitoring foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and badgers (Meles meles): are fields signs the answer? - Mammal Review, 34(1): 75-98.

Scheppers, T.L.J., Frantz, A.C., Schaul, M., Engel, E., Breyne, P., Schley, L. & T.J. Roper, 2007. Estimating social group size of Eurasian badgers Meles meles by genotyping remotely plucked single hairs - Wildlife Biology, 13(2): 195-207.

Schley, L., Schaul, M. & T.J. Roper, 2004. Distribution and population density of badgers Meles meles in Luxembourg - Mammal Review, 34(3): 233-240.

Schnaitl, M. & S. Stürzer, 2009. Rotfuchs (Vulpes vulpes) und Dachs (Meles meles) im Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald : Raumnutzungsverhalten und Habitatwahl in einem geschossenen Waldgebiet - Wissenschaftliche Reihe Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald, 18: 1-115.

Sleeman, D.P. & M.F. Mulcahy, 2005. Loss of territoriality in a local badger Meles meles population at Kilmurry, Co Cork, Ireland - Irish Naturalist Journal, 28(1): 11-19.

Vink, H. (J.), Apeldoorn, R.C. van & H. (G.J.) Bekker, 2008. Defragmentation measures and the increase of a local badger (Meles meles) population at Eindegooi, the Netherlands - Lutra, 51(2): 75-86.

Wilson, G.J., Delahay, R.J., Leeuw, A.N.S. de, Spyvee, P.D. & D Handoll, 2003. Quantification of badger (Meles meles) sett activity as a method of predicting badger numbers - Journal of Zoology, 259: 49-56.

Wilson, G.J., Frantz, A.C., Pope, L.C., Roper, T.J., Burke, T.A., Cheeseman, C.L. & R.J. Delahay, 2003. Estimation of badger abundance using faecal DNA typing - Journal of Applied Ecology, 40: 658-666.

Young, R.P., Davison, J., Trewby, I.D., Wilson, G.J., Delahay, R.J. & C.P. Doncaster, 2006. Abundance of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in relation to the density and distribution of badgers (Meles meles) - Journal of Zoology, 269: 349-356.

Zande, L. van de, Vliet, M. van de, Pertoldi, C., Loeschke, V., Müskens, G. & R. Bijlsma, 2006. Genetic structure within and among regional populations of the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) from Denmark and the Netherlands - Journal of Zoology, London, 271: 302-309.
